Next47 For Profit

Next47 is a $1.2 billion independent, global venture firm backed by Siemens AG. We specialize in enterprise-focused businesses, make fast decisions and share deep conviction with the teams we invest in. We have the resources and the motivation to unleash maximum potential in every startup we work with. We leverage our own global footprint as well as the Siemens ecosystem that spans a broad set of industries across hundreds of countries and regions worldwide.

Technology: ['Finance & Banking', 'Education, Research & SocialTech']
Headquarters: Palo Alto, California, United States
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture
Founded Date: 2016-01-01
Number Of Exists: 69
Estimated Revenue: $37 Million
Employee Number: 51-100
Industry: Finance & Banking
Investor Type: Corporate Venture Capital