Gennev Companies

Gennev is a women’s healthcare company for women heading into midlife and menopause, the first-ever online clinic for women in menopause. It allows menopausal women to connect with professionals and research shop products fit for their phase in life. It functions as a source of information for when women hit perimenopause and stays with them through the second half of life. Gennev is a one-stop shop for menopause that purports to make long-awaited office visits, uneducated physicians, and clinical literature a thing of the past. Gennev offers two main services:A line of personal care products designed to relieve some of the more unpleasant effects of hormonal change, particularly vaginal dryness. A community where everyone is free to ask questions, offer advice, give or request support, and help bring the conversation out of the shadows.

Headquarters: Seattle, Washington, United States
Founded Date: 2015
Employee Number: 1-10
Industry: Menopause Care