Bern Center for Precision Medicine Research Labs

The Bern Center for Precision Medicine (BCPM) will establish the regulatory, technical, clinical, ethical, and economic framework to create a robust precision medicine approach to treating their patients in health and disease. The BCPM will engage faculty from across the University and the University Hospital of Bern to help to improve the way they care for patients. They anticipate that successful establishment of the BCPM will lead to new approaches to prevent and treat disease, the development of new drugs and technologies to care for their patients, and develop new economic efficiencies for their health care system. Finally, they hope to educate the next generation care takers and scientists to realize the long-term benefits of precision health care. The BCPM will be active in research, education, training and networking, always in the field of precision medicine. It will create value for the university, the university hospital, and ultimately also the patients.

Technology: N/A
Headquarters: Bern
Funding Status: N/A
Investment Stage: N/A
Founded Date: Undisclosed
Number Of Exists: N/A
Employee Number: Undisclosed
Industry: N/A
Investor Type: N/A