MIM Fertility Companies

Their mission is to create AI-as-a-medical-device solutions that improve the standard of healthcare, specifically IVF treatment.Fertility disorders are a widespread health problem that affects ca. 300 mln couples worldwide. The diseases impact the quality of life and pose social and financial hardships. Our founders’ experiences with infertility led them to create AI software to help women struggling with this challenge.Their product FOLLISCAN automatically counts and measures follicles based on ultrasound examination. With the accuracy of the day, it can already predict when the patient should be scheduled for egg retrieval. Another product EMBRYOAID automatically ranks and identifies the most promising embryos based on an extensive collection of time-lapse images. The algorithm has learned from films and images of embryos to recognise the process of their maturation and, with perfect precision, to select which embryo has the best prognosis to develop into a pregnancy. MIM Solutions was launched as a spin-off of the University of Warsaw’s Algorithms Group, directed by prof. Piotr Sankowski. The company has brought together experts passionate about solving practical algorithmic problems efficiently.

Headquarters: Warsaw, Poland
Founded Date: 2020
Employee Number: 11-50
Industry: Reproductive Health & Contraception