Co-FundNI: Investments against COVID-19 UK Investors

Entity: Co-FundNI
Category: UK Investors
Description: Co-Fund NI £12.5million will be made available to invest alongside business angels and business angel syndicates. Through Co-Fund NI £12.5million will be made available to invest alongside business angels and business angel syndicates (hereafter referred to as "private investors" or "syndicates") into eligible SME's based in Northern Ireland. When matched 45% public with 55% private investors on a deal-by-deal basis this will give an overall "fund" size of £28m. This initiative is provided by Invest Northern Ireland and part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Invest for Growth and Jobs Programme 2014-2020.

+ Investing in:

. SureCert

Funding Status: N/A
Industry: COVID UK Non-governmental Bodies
Number Of Exists: N/A
Technology: COVID UK Funding&Support
Founded Date: N/A
Investor Type: N/A
Headquarters: United Kingdom
Employee Number: N/A
Investment Stage: N/A