Quentin Griffiths: Investments against COVID-19 UK Investors

Entity: Quentin Griffiths
Category: UK Investors
Description: Quentin Griffiths is Co-Founder & Managing Director at ACHICA. Quentin set up online fashion phenomenon ASOS.com with Nick Robertson in 2000 and sat on the board with specific responsibility for marketing. The business listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) in 2001 and he left in 2005 once the business achieved profitability. Prior to his involvement with online retail he ran a product placement agency working for blue chip clients like Ford, Mars, Coca-Cola and Carlsberg Tetley.

+ Investing in:

. Farmdrop

Technology: COVID UK Funding&Support
Headquarters: United Kingdom
Funding Status: N/A
Investment Stage: N/A
Founded Date: N/A
Number Of Exists: N/A
Employee Number: N/A
Industry: COVID UK Non-governmental Bodies
Investor Type: N/A