DST Global: Investments against COVID-19 Foreign Investors

Entity: DST Global
Category: Foreign Investors
Description: DST Global is an investment company that funds late-stage ventures in the global internet industry. DST Global (DST) was founded by Yuri Milner in 2009 for the purpose of making minority investments in the most significant and fast growing internet companies. Today DST is one of the world’s leading technology investors and its portfolio has included some of the world's most prominent internet companies, such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Airbnb, Spotify, Alibaba, Xiaomi, Flipkart and other fast-growing internet assets. The company has pioneered a model to provide liquidity to founders, employees and early investors through mixed primary and secondary transactions. These transactions are often referred to as DST type deals in the Internet world.

+ Investing in:

. Deliveroo
. Funding Circle

Technology: COVID UK Funding&Support
Headquarters: Hong Kong
Funding Status: N/A
Investment Stage: N/A
Founded Date: N/A
Number Of Exists: N/A
Employee Number: N/A
Industry: COVID UK Non-governmental Bodies
Investor Type: N/A