ADV: Investments against COVID-19 UK Investors

Entity: ADV
Category: UK Investors
Description: ADV is a patient venture investment engine, designed to back generation-defining digital tech companies. Its team are entrepreneurs and operators who have learnt the hard lessons and want to pay them forward. Currently investing £150M, ADV takes the long view of business building, investing across the funding lifecycle of startups, scaleups and ‘scalebigs’. ADV champions the innovators - the people who build complex, technical, generation-defining businesses. ADV’s investors are British Business Bank, Legal & General and Woodford Investment Management.

+ Investing in:

. Urban

Funding Status: N/A
Industry: COVID UK Non-governmental Bodies
Number Of Exists: N/A
Technology: COVID UK Funding&Support
Founded Date: N/A
Investor Type: N/A
Headquarters: United Kingdom
Employee Number: N/A
Investment Stage: N/A