Parkwalk Advisors: Investments against COVID-19 UK Investors

Entity: Parkwalk Advisors

Category: UK Investors

Description: Parkwalk is a London-based fund management firm. Parkwalk invests in UK technology companies that have IP backing and freedom to operate, generally spun out of UK universities. Their funds seek to generate capital gains for their investors, enhanced by the attractive tax relief provided by EIS. Parkwalk entered this investment sector in 2009, anticipating a wave of tax-efficient incentives launched by the UK Government to stimulate innovative emerging technology companies and thereby help drive economic growth. Parkwalk utilises academic, technology transfer, venture capital and personal networks developed over many years to gain access to the highest calibre deal-flow. In 2017 Parkwalk joined forces with IP Group plc, a leading intellectual property commercialisation company that is listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol IPO. As at March 2019 the combined group has net assets of £1.2bn.

+ Investing in:

. Intelligent Ultrasound
. Omega Diagnostics

Funding Status: N/A
Industry: COVID UK Non-governmental Bodies
Number Of Exists: N/A
Technology: COVID UK Funding&Support
Founded Date: N/A
Investor Type: N/A
Headquarters: United Kingdom
Employee Number: N/A
Investment Stage: N/A