Chanua: against COVID-19 Company

Entity: Chanua

Category: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Description: Chanua is an organisation solving some of the biggest challenges in Healthcare, Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Project: TechForce19 challenge. Chanua/Neurolove to support young people with mental health

Summary: Chanua provides, a platform providing a friendly ear and human support for young people to help them to keep virtually social and safe online. Supporting young people to manage anxiety and low mood, they can book sessions directly with mentors and therapists and find content that will support them to manage their emotional and mental health in this current period of uncertainty. Derived from the Swahili term meaning to blossom and flourish, Chanua supports and develops initiatives that empower people to improve their health, mental health and wellbeing. They create services and products that foster healthy connections. They do this by creating solutions mixing using human centred approaches, technology, psychology and good design. They believe that good relationships form the basis of healthy people throughout their lives.

+ Investors:, NHSX. Chanua received investment from\NHSX, after a call on all innovators who can support the elderly, vulnerable and self-isolating during COVID-19 to apply for government funding of up to £25,000 to test their solution.

Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)

Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)

Bethnal Green Ventures

Funding Status: N/A
Headquarters: United Kingdom
Founded Date: N/A
Employee Number: N/A
Industry: UK COVID
Technology: Mental Health and Wellbeing
Investor Type: N/A
Number Of Exists: N/A
Investment Stage: N/A