Linkdex Company

Linkdex is a SaaS platform that measures and improves search engine visibility and influence for Enterprise brands. Natural search as a channel provides most brands with their largest ROI. How a brand, its products and people are represented inside search engines impacts a businesses' ability to compete. Linkdex's ability to unite the SEO, PR, Social, and Content functions in enterprise businesses is critical because managing search engines is no longer solely an SEO's job. Search is part of a wider marketing play that offers huge rewards for brands with insight driven strategies, engaged teams and optimal investment. Linkdex brings all of these areas together in one platform. Breaking down the data silos, providing award winning insights and helping teams work together towards common goals. Linkdex is the winner of: UK Search Awards - Best SEO Software Award Winner 2013 US Search Awards - Best SEO Software Award Winner 2013 European Search Awards - Innovation Award Winner 2013

Funding Status: M&A
Headquarters: London, England, United Kingdom
Founded Date: 2009
Employee Number: 51-100
Estimated Revenue: $1M to $10M
Industry: Marketing & Advertising
Technology: Intelligent Data Analysis