Evermind Companies

Evermind provides peace of mind to individuals living alone and the people who care about them. In the old days, people lived in supporting communities, surrounded by family and friends who could look out for them by simply observing signs of their daily activities. Clothing hanging on a line or smoke rising from a chimney signaled that neighbors were safe and sound, without compromising their privacy. Evermind looks for modern-day signals of activity and well being by detecting when electrical appliances are switched on and off. With Evermind, daily rituals like making coffee in the morning or switching a bedside lamp off at night can serve as a simple check-in system, signaling that all is well without diminishing independence or requiring changes in routine.

Technology: Anxiety & Depression
Headquarters: Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Founded Date: 1/1/2012
Number Of Exists: 44470
Total Funding: 8,830,114
Industry: Simpler Daily Routines