New Leaf Venture Partners (NLV) Investors

New Leaf Venture Partners, L.L.C. is a private equity and venture capital firm specializing in growth capital and PIPES transactions in incubation, seed, early, mid, and late venture, later stage investments in public and private companies. It seeks to invest in companies across all phases, from startup to public offerings. It prefers to invest in the healthcare sector including biopharmaceuticals products, commercial stage medical devices, healthcare-related information technology, life science tools, pharmaceutical research and development, medical device research equipment, and variety of stages in molecular diagnostics, information convergence, healthcare biological research, and laboratory infrastructure technologies

Invests into

Headquarters: New York, New York, United States
Funding Status: N/A
Employee Number: Nov-50
Investment Stage: Debt, Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity
Number Of Exists: 39
Technology: Drug Discovery
Investor Type: Venture Capital
Founded Date: 2005
Industry: Drug Discovery