National Center for Research & Development For Profit

The National Research and Development Centre is an executive agency of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. It was established in summer 2007 as a unit realizing the tasks of scientific, scientific-technical and innovation policy. At the time of inception was the first unit of this type, created as a platform for effective dialogue between science and business environment. Currently it operates under the Act of 30 April 2010 by the National Centre for Research and Development (Dz. U. 2010, No. 96 item. 616). Introduced in autumn 2010 reform of the science center has allowed greater freedom in disposing financial resources, within the framework of the strategic research agenda. An additional 1 September 2011, NRDC has expanded the scope of its activities with new initiatives and opportunities. Taking over from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education function of the Intermediate in three operational programs: Human Capital, Innovative Economy and Infrastructure and Environment, has become one of the largest centers supporting innovation in Poland. The Centre is funded by the Treasury and European Union funds.


Funding Status: N/A
Headquarters: Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Poland
Founded Date: 2007-01-01
Employee Number: 501-1000
Industry: Association
Technology: Machine learning
Investor Type: Government Office
Number Of Exists: 4
Investment Stage: Grant