Luther Systems Companies

Luther Systems provides the automation platform for enterprise process operations. Enterprises are complex organizations operating many processes. Enterprises operate at 3 levels. Tasks, Workflows (10 tasks) and Processes (100 tasks). They operate processes across separate, siloed teams and software. Approximately 4% of enterprises' budgets are spent on operating end-to-end processes. Enterprise costs for operating end to end processes are too high. Enterprises cannot operate processes effectively. To solve the operations problem enterprises automate their operations. They automate Tasks using RPA tools, Workflows (10 tasks) using Workflow automation tools, BPM, ERP, Hyper-automation, intelligent-automation ... tools. However, there are no tools to effectively automate Processes. Enterprises attempt to automate Processes. However, i) enterprises automate today's processes for today. Processes change overtime but automations don't keep up. ii) Enterprises attempt to stitch together bespoke software and existing workflow automation tools. However, automation tools are local, for local tasks and workflows. Maintaining this requires too much resources and high cost. Enterprises cannot automate Process Operations effectively. Luther has vertically integrated technology layers, including distributed event execution systems, modern resource management technology and virtualization into one platform. Luther’s platform automates enterprise Process Operations effectively. Luthers platforms is used by global enterprises for process operations automation. Luther's platform is the Enterprise Operating System !