Ostrovok.ru Company

Founded in 2011, today Ostrovok.ru is ranked by Similarweb as Russia’s leading domestic online hotel booking site offering over 1,000,000 different types of accommodation in hotels, hostels, and apartments. This inventory is sourced directly from accommodation providers or via world’s leading third-party suppliers. This combination of direct and third-party supply helps us deliver on the brand’s main strengths: excellent availability, competitive prices, transparent pricing policy, and a constantly growing number of unique customer reviews. Ostrovok.ru runs its own customer service center with more than 200 employees working 24/7. Ostrovok.ru is an official partner of both Aeroflot and Pobeda airlines as well as VTB and Alfa Bank. Ostrovok.ru is recognized as an advertising platform by leading brands and advertising agencies in Russia and abroad. Its head office is in Moscow.

Founded Date: 2011
Investor Type: N/A
Investment Stage: N/A
Funding Status: N/A
Number Of Exists: N/A
Technology: Search Engines and Language Processing
Industry: Enterteinment
Headquarters: Moscow, Russia