Timur Artemev Investor

Mr. Timur Artemev is a Russian businessman and philanthropist. Mr. Artemev co-founded Euroset, Russia’s leading mobile phone retailer. After selling his stake in Euroset in 2008, Mr. Artemev invested a significant part of the proceeds in several international research projects aiming at slowing down ageing. He continues to sponsor research into ageing by New York University and supports biological laboratories in Russia, Ukraine, China and Germany. Mr. Artemev is major donor and trustee of the UK charity Biogerontology Research Foundation. He serves as Director at Retrotope Inc.

Invests into

Funding Status: undisclosed
Headquarters: London, United Kingdom
Founded Date: Undisclosed
Employee Number: Undisclosed
Industry: Regenerative Medicine
Technology: N/A
Investor Type: Individual/Angel
Number Of Exists: undisclosed
Investment Stage: Seed