BridgeU Companies

At BridgeU, we believe that talent is equally distributed across the globe, but opportunity is not. We believe guidance is necessary for every stage of learner, and we believe in education as a key driver of human potential. BridgeU is the leading provider of university & careers guidance software & services to international, global and world secondary schools. Today, BridgeU works with secondary schools in 120 countries supporting students over a 24-36 month journey to explore and research career pathways and post-secondary opportunities, before preparing and submitting applications to universities around the world. School advisors use BridgeU to power their university and careers guidance provision and to support students’ post-secondary planning efforts. We also help universities to discover and engage the schools and students that will contribute to their vibrant, diverse and successful programs and courses. In 2021, we believe BridgeU has never been more important to help students, schools and universities discover new opportunities globally and connect at a distance.