Innovations New Ventures Investor

Innovations New Ventures catalyzes the translation of Northwestern innovations to benefit the public and contribute to economic growth. INVO is a crucial part of Northwestern's innovation ecosystem.
INVO catalyzes the translation of Northwestern innovations to benefit the public and promote economic growth.
In order to maximize that outcome, Northwestern follows important principles when licensing university technology.
Northwestern inventive activity is strong, with more than 200 disclosures in 2016. INVO's work strives to strengthen entrepreneurial activity by both students and faculty and build a self-sustained community that will generate innovations to benefit society.

Invests into

Funding Status: N/A
Headquarters: Evanston, Illinois, United States
Founded Date: 2010
Employee Number: Undisclosed
Industry: Personalized Medicine
Investor Type: Venture Capital
Number Of Exists: N/A
Investment Stage: N/A