Georgia Cavanaugh

Country: United States
Company: FemTech Collective, SteelSky Ventures
Passionate about strengthening women's access to healthcare through technology. Has worked in strategy and operations roles at early-stage women's health tech (aka "femtech") startups, including DotLab and Seven Starling, and writes about the industry landscape for FemTech Collective. Post-MBA intern at SteelSky Ventures, which is a female-led venture fund investing in innovative women's health companies. While at Kellogg, Georgia launched the school's femtech Slack channel and created weekly roundups of related content and events. As VP of Community for Kellogg's Women's Business Association, the school's largest student organization, she led a team of 11 in organizing events on topics including fertility and sexual health. She also served as Editor-in-Chief of Kellogg's biggest student-run newsletter, with an audience of ~3,000 students, faculty, and alumni.
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