Riina Hallik

Country: USA
Company: DermTest
Riina Hallik has a MMS in Health economics, policy and management, a Msc cum laude in Health Care Technology and a BA in Economics with a specialization to Management. She recently gained a nursing degree as well. She is a co-founder of Dermtest (www.dermtest.com) - a company disrupting the way melanoma patients are processed through healthcare and also a co-founder of Likemed OÜ (www.likemed.eu) which is a company offering patient feedback solutions for healthcare enterprises. Developed e-prescription tool for primary care. In the field of research i have been mainly focusing on telemedicine and e-health. Moreover, I have worked as an ICU department management assistant and research officer at SA Tallinn Children's Hospital, dealing mainly with the billing, communication and statistics of the department.
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