Jeffrey Lu

Country: Singapore
Company: Goodman Capital/ Engine Biosciences
Passionate about innovative technologies and entrepreneurship. Currently building Engine Biosciences, a venture-backed technology company focused on solving complex diseases faster and capital-efficiently with our comprehensive data-driven computing, AI, and experimental biology platforms. Also investing proprietary capital in early-stage technology/biotech start-ups. Over a decade of experience spanning investing, start-ups, and serving as a senior corporate executive in billion-dollar companies and successful startups in biotech, technology, travel, and real estate across Asia and USA. Have built high-performance strategy, data analytics, and business teams, resulting in major business growth, start-ups reaching profitability, and high shareholder returns (multiple highly profitable exit transactions at combined ~$450M exit valuations, plus additional strong operating businesses valued in 9 figures). Since his first full-time job at Bain, where he was trained in developing "true north" data-driven insights and strategies for business growth, Jeff has been excited about the power of data to build transformative businesses across many sectors and is now actively applying this approach for his entrepreneurial and investing activities.
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