Jonathan Mandelbaum-Shor

Country: Israel
Jonathan Mandelbaum-Shor is the head of Education and Society, in charge of all academic collaboration on behalf of the British Council Israel. He obtained a master of arts degree in Conflict Resolution from the Hebrew University. His department portfolio includes four major activities: Bi-Lateral research grants, Researchers and students mobility, Cross-border projects and English. Bi-Lateral research Grants - BIRAX: he is the Head of BIRAX - The Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange, a multi-million Pound initiative that is tackling humanity’s most significant challenges. The Programme supports Research projects of UK-IL researchers in Regenerative Medicine and lately Ageing and Precision Medicine and Big Data. The mobility programs include several strands to support UK and IL researchers and students in the STEM to travel and collaborate between both countries. A significant part of his work includes fundraising for the programs, involving multiple partners including private donors, foundations and medical charities.
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