Howard Litwin

Country: Israel
Howard Litwin works in the field of social gerontology. His empirical research addresses the correlates and determinants of well-being in late-life. In particular, his work seeks to clarify how the social networks of older people influence perceptions, feelings and actions that, in turn, contribute to aging well. He is the founding Head of the Israel Gerontological Data Center (IGDC), a knowledge center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem that was initiated by the Ministry of Science and Technology and is currently supported by the Ministry for Social Equality (formerly the Ministry for Senior Citizens). He serves as the Coordinator of the Social Network area for the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)—a longitudinal survey of people age 50 and over in 20 countries. He is also the Principal Investigator for SHARE-Israel, the Israeli component of the SHARE project. Prof. Litwin is a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA).
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