Leslie S Prichep

Country: USA
Company: BrainScope Company
Until early 2015 Dr. Prichep was the Director of the Brain Research Laboratories (BRL) and Professor of Psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine, where she remains a Professor in retirement. She has extensive experience and recognition as a pioneer in the field of quantitative electrophysiology, clinically applied translational research, source localization and multivariate classification methodologies. She was responsible for the direction of the largest existing database of quantitative electrophysiological data from normal subjects and neuropsychiatric patients, which includes traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome PTSD and dementia patients. Dr. Prichep and her colleagues at BRL were the first to publish normative equations demonstrating that features of the EEG could be were lawful as a function of age. Dr. Prichep has over 125 publications, with another 55 book chapters, books, published proceedings, and monographs, holds a number of patents, and is considered one of the preeminent research scientists in the field of computerized electrophysiological.
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