Edwina Rogers

Country: USA
Edwina Rogers (born May 27, 1964) is an American lobbyist and former White House staff member. She is the founder and CEO of the Global Healthspan Policy Institute, the founding Executive Director and current President of the Secular Policy Institute, the CEO of the Center for Prison Reform, and a partner at the law firm of Johnson, Rogers and Clifton.After graduation from law school, Rogers worked on international trade for President George H. W. Bush at the Department of Commerce from 1989 to 1991. She practiced law in the Washington office of Balch and Bingham from 1991 until 1994, then served as General Counsel of the National Republican Senatorial Committee during the Republican take-over of the Senate in 1994. She worked for Senator Trent Lott while he was the Senate Majority Leader in 1999. She was an Economic Advisor for President George W. Bush at the White House during 2001 and 2002 at the National Economic Council, focusing on health and social security policy. Rogers handled health policy for Senator Jeff Sessions in 2003 and 2004 before serving as Vice President of the Health Policy for the ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) Industry Committee (ERIC) in Washington, DC from May 2004 until January 2009. ERIC advocates the employee benefits and compensation interests of America’s major employers. She worked with Senator Paul Coverdell to establish the Fair Government Foundation, a non-profit, non-partisan organization established to research and educate the public on First Amendment rights, campaign finance and political action committees, lobbying, government ethics and election law fairness issues.