Antônio Fabron

Country: Brazil
Company: Diagnosticos do Brasil
Antônio Fabron works at Diagnosticos do Brasil. Diagnosticos do Brasil is recognized throughout the national territory for the quality of its services. Specializations: Molecular Biology, Flow Cytometry, Neonatalogy, ELISA, Immunology, Immunofluorescence, Microbiology, Instrumental Analyzes and Toxicology. DB has a large and modern structure, capable of performing 7 million exams per month. More than one thousand Brazilian cities are served with vehicles adapted for sample collection, which reach the unit within 24 hours, in addition to having regional units distributed throughout Brazil. The URAs - Regional Service Units - offer complete structure for registration and screening of samples and the URT´s - Regional Technical Units - have carefully planned structure and highly specialized team in their areas, such as DB Molecular, a division dedicated exclusively to the molecular diagnosis and DB Pathology, a division dedicated exclusively to anatomopathological and cytopathological diagnosis.