Arielle Burstein

Country: USA
Arielle Burstein is an associate director with the Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging. She works to accelerate a needed shift in thinking about aging by collaborating with the Center’s leadership and advisors, convening experts, promoting thought leadership and fostering action. Her work spans the topics of the longevity economy, innovation, purpose, and engagement of young people in issues around aging. Burstein shapes research, produces digital communications and manages and contributes to Center publications. She joined the Institute after several years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology AgeLab, a multidisciplinary research program, where she translated demographic change into innovative social research on aging. Her research has contributed to new products and services in retail, finance, and other industries to improve quality of life as we age. She has published academic research on the subject of technology for caregivers of people with dementia. Burstein holds a bachelor of arts degree in international relations and Hispanic studies from Wheaton College, and she works at the Institute's Santa Monica office.
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