Lianne Gonsalves

Country: Switzerland
Company: World Health Organisation
Lianne Gonsalves is Technical Officer at World Health Organization, and PhD Candidate at University of Basel. As technical officer at WHO, she has lead protocol and budget development (USD $800,000 over four years) as well as coordination of the Adolescent/Youth Mobile Access and Delivery Initiative for Love and Life Outcomes (ARMADILLO) Study, which assesses the effect of mobile phone technology to provide sexual and reproductive health information to young people (aged 13-24) in Kenya and Peru. In 2017-2018, leveraged existing study infrastructure to nest a sub-study on pharmacy provision of contraception to young people in the Kenya site, leading training and data collection in Kenya over a ten week period. Data analysis (as part of PhD) is ongoing. In addition, Lianne has led development and phased rollout (2014-2017) of a digital version of WHO's Quality Assessment Guidebook to assess adolescent health services for Brazil, working with Ministry officials and WHO country and regional offices to adapt the product; design implementation research in 35 facilities in five states to identify optimal monitoring cycle; prepare for initial scale up (130 facilities in 13 states). Resulted in a complete handover of tool to Brazil Ministry of Health and WHO Country Office in 2017.
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