Birgitte Andersen

Country: UK
Company: Big Innovation Centre - appg AI secretariat
Professor Birgitte Andersen (PhD Economics) is CEO of Big Innovation Centre, a London based think-tank and innovation hub that promotes open innovation via challenge-led task forces, All Party groups in UK Parliament on Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, and an AI Global Governance Commission. Since 2011 she has rapidly - through a strong vision – directed and grown the Big Innovation Centre to become a building block in the innovation landscape in the UK and European Union. She is now accelerating the Big Innovation Centre vision with thought leaders, innovative companies and ‘what works’ innovators in the Middle East. She advises economists and policy makers of national governments in and beyond Europe including OECD, UN and WIPO; and large firms, and serves as an expert defence witness in the UK courts on matters of IP use on the Internet. She was the Rapporteur for the EU Commission representing the EU Expert Group on Knowledge Transfer and Open Innovation, and currently sits on the EU Expert Advisory Panel for Horizon 2020 - Societal Challenge: Europe in a Changing World – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies. Birgitte was recently (October 2018) appointed on Arab League Expert Group on Digital Transformation regarding the Digital Economy Strategy for the Arab World.
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